Wednesday, December 30, 2020

We are Stars

 If your anything like me I HATE shopping for docore. It is so hard to find the modern techy things that many of us really enjoy. Luckily BackBone has our backs and they did not disappoint with this new release. The Cyber Bed and Holo Dancers are so unique and work so well together. The Cyber Bed is everything we know and love about BackBone. It comes in PG, Adult, and Adult+. With a  ton of animations and mix and match color change options this bed is truly unique to everything else out there. In a covered version and bed alone there is sure to be one that will fit your home. Something else I have come to love about BackBone beds when you lay on them the covers actually pull back and when you sleep they move to cover you. The Cyber Bed also comes with one of the newest Funny Bones. Funny Bone #16 is a girl holding a panda playing a switch... cause panda and switches are friggin adorable (shown in picture though came out darker then intended). The Holo dancer is a lamp. Now when you rez it this lamp is massive. The dancer upon it avi sized (shrunk to fit in picture). The holo lamp is a blue to pink flickering lamp where the dancer upon it changes depending on the color of the lamp giving this lamp a truly unique feel. So stop in at BackBone. I promise it's well worth the trip.

(pieces used)
 BackBone Cyber Bed - Adult+
BackBone FunnyBone #16 - The Playful & The Pro (stand)
BackBone Holo Dancers

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Pain & Pleasure


Pain and Pleasure are certainly words to live by. Some believe both are forms of art. The art of pain being a way to push one to their limits without breaking them. The art of pleasure being the same. For many Pain is even Pleasure. So why not celebrate both... separate or together with these neon lights by BackBone. Both Pain and Pleasure come in red, blue, pink, purple, and even a special tintable version. So stop in at BackBone and see what fun things they have to spice up your home.



(Pieces used)

BackBone Neon Sign - Pain (red)

BackBone Neon Sign - Pleasure (red)

BackBone Bondage Rack

Other Designers:

Top ~ Deadwool ~ Hugo

Hair ~ Stealthic ~ Huanting

Tattoos ~ Speakeasy ~ Clear Path

Head ~ Catwa ~ Daniel

Body ~ Signature ~ Gianni

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Coffee Shop Time

 Head down to your favorite spot and look cute doing it. Introducing ChicModa's Fiona top and pants These high waisted ruffle pants are so cute and compliment the ruffled long sleeve top. Made for the maitreya, hourglass, and legacy bodies there is sure to ne a pattern or color your going to love. So stop in at ChicModa and try out the Fiona top and pants for yourself.


ChicModa ~ Fiona Top & Pants

Demicorn ~ Sultry Eyes (sky)

Other Designers:
Body ~ Maitreya ~Lara
Head ~ Catwa ~ Catya
Skin  ~ Deetalez ~ Face Doutzen II (Mediterranean)
Hair ~ Stealthic ~ Cordova (Complete Package)

Christmas Town

 Get your Christmas on with the Newest release from Dirty Princess now at the Arcade. This gacha is amazing with it's fur lined sweater and matching shoes. Lets also not forget about the light earrings. The North Pole Princess is made for maitreya, maitreya petite, and legacy and is perfect for this holiday season. So stop in at Arcade and play the North Pole Princess Gacha for yourself.

Dirty Princess ~ North Pole Princess ~ @ Arcade
(Pieces used)
DIRTY PRINCESS- North Pole Princess COMMON 1

Demicorn ~ Sultry Eyes (sky)

Other Designers:
Body ~ Maitreya ~Lara
Head ~ Catwa ~ Catya
Skin  ~ Deetalez ~ Face Doutzen II (Mediterranean)
Hair ~ Doe ~ Avery (Monotone)
Backdrop ~ K&S ~ Christmas Fairy Tale

Friday, December 4, 2020

Dangle Me

Have you been naughty or nice this holiday season? Why not be both with the new Calus Outfit by Petrichor. Made for freya, hourglass, maitreya, legacy, and v-tech bodies. This beautiful harness allows you to change the edges as well as the main color, the metals, the diamonds, and the laces at the crotch. Available in patterns or solid colors this set is simply beautiful and makes a perfect addition to your Christmas time fun. So stop in at Sultry and check out Petrichor's Calus Outfit for yourself.

Petrichor ~ Calus Outfit ~ @ Sultry

Demicorn ~ Sultry Eyes (sky)

Other Designers:
Body ~ Maitreya ~Lara
Head ~ Catwa ~ Catya
Skin  ~ Deetalez ~ Face Doutzen II (Mediterranean)
Hair ~ Doe ~ Belle
Pose ~ Amitie ~ Xmas Wreath

Got Your Tongue

I love any time a designer comes out with something unique. unique and functionable is even better. So when I found this chopstick gag by Ge...