Thursday, May 28, 2020

Crazy Days

How do you celebrate your crazy days? Why not do it with this Trouble Maker's Coat Rack by BackBone. This adorable coat rack celebrates everyone's favorite villain with it's iconic coat, jester colored heels and purse and of course Harley's iconic bat as well as a few other treats. Now at Uber the Trouble Maker's Coat Rack is super cute and perfect to show your affection for the puddin lovin girl herself. So stop in at Uber before you miss out.

(pieces used)
BackBone Trouble Maker's Coat Rack @ Uber
BackBone Tileable Wall Panel Pack - Black @ Belle
BackBone Tileable Wall Panel Pack - Silver @ Belle

Demicorn ~ Sultry Eyes (sky)

Other Designers:
Body ~ Maitreya ~Lara
Head ~ Catwa ~ Catya
Skin  ~ Deetalez ~ Helma (Nordic)
Hair ~ Ploom ~ Shawna (dipped)
Panties ~ Blueberry & Grixdale ~ Madcap Panties - Lara - Jester RARE
Top ~ Blueberry & Grixdale - Madcap top - Lara - Red
Makeup ~ Slackgirl ~ harley Full Messed
Hammer ~ Inkside ~ Harley Quinn Hammer
Bats ~ Blueberry & Grixdale ~ Madcap - Bat - Orange & Pink
Plant ~ What Next ~ House Plants

Friday, May 22, 2020

Solids or Stripes

Will you be solids or stripes with this new pool table from BackBone. The Neon Pool Table not at Fameshed is amazing. With a few color options and poses with balls and the table and without. It is totally unique. With plenty of playing, pg, cuddle, singles, and adult poses to choose from. With an over the table light and FunnyBone number ten that reminds me of a certain actor... I think we all have an idea who it might be.  If that's not enough this month BackBone's gift is the pool rack on the back wall that comes in four amazing colors. So stop in at Fameshed and join BackBone's group. I promise your going to love the Neon Pool Table as much as I do.


Neon Pool Table Set @ Fameshed:
BackBone FunnyBone #10 - Breathtaking Badass (stand) 
BackBone Neon Pool Table Lamp - Pink
BackBone Neon Pool Table - Adult
BackBone Neon Pool Table - Cue Stick (pink)
BackBone Neon Pool Table - Cue Stick (blue)

BackBone Pool Cue Rack  ~ BackBone Group Gift:
BackBone Pool Cue Rack  - Pink
BackBone Pool Cue Rack  - Holo

BackBone Retro Maniacs:
BackBone Pool Bar Stool - 8
BackBone Arcade Lamp - Yellow
BackBone Arcade Lamp - Turquoise
BackBone Arcade Lamp - Red
BackBone Arcade Lamp - Pink
BackBone Arcade Lamp - Orange
BackBone Arcade Bar Table


Friday, May 15, 2020

Morning at the Lake

With all the craziness going on in the world the outdoors is the only real safe place to be. Quarantined or not you should always dress to impress and Plastik has something new and perfect for a day at the lake. The Summer Kerile top by plastik is made for so many bodies; maitreya, legacy legacy perky, isis, venus, freya, and hourglass. With a huge color hud with amazing unique patterns your sure to find one for every occasion. So stop in at Plastik and see what you can find. 

Plastik ~ Summer Kerile

Demicorn ~ Sultry Eyes (sky)

Other Designers:
Body ~ Maitreya ~Lara
Head ~ Catwa ~ Catya
Skin  ~ Deetalez ~ Face Doutzen II (Mediterranean)
Hair ~ Doux ~ Mecca

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Have you ever wondered what it would be like if everything you thought you knew was wrong? Myserie is a unique role play city that is experiencing just that. Supernatural beings have stepped out of the shadows exposing themselves to the WORLD. For the humans of this place this transition has not been easy. Some have called for registering supernaturals. Some have said let them live, we have lived in peace with them this long. While others have began to create weapons designed with the sole intention of hunting and killing them. For most though life in Myserie goes on as it ever did. Friends of all species get together at the coffee shop to share in gossip and eat donuts or head down to Dust a club owned by fae. Not that the humans know this. Dust is place for everyone to let go. Sadly life is not so simple for everyone. Warning signs about mermaids caution swimmers to not get in the lake and every full moon you can hear the wolves and other creatures hunting their prey through the woods.

So if you were here who would you be?

So if you came to Myserie you could be almost anyone. 

Humans ~ Be who you are. As a human you get to do all the things you ever did. Decide how you feel about the big supernatural reveal. Are you ok with it? Or are you not? Will you side with the supernaturals, be indifferent to them, or become a hunter? Decide you want to change later? Well you have the chance to be turned into a vampire, or shifter. 
"What can I say about humans? There are good ones and bad ones. Either way they all taste delicious."" ~ Hermione Whitmore
(Hunters ~ Hunters are a type of human but after talking to some people I felt like they needed their own special foot note. So from the words of a hunter ""Not all humans were in the dark about supernaturals before the reveal, there were those who knew about them.  Hunters, we were the ones who hunted supernaturals who caused trouble, to help keep the balance and the veil intact.  Now with the reveal we can be open, we are peace keepers who try to protect humans and others from the bad supers.  But there are good and bad everywhere and we are no exception, you will find fanatics and bigots who hurt supers just for the pleasure of it...I hunt only when a super causes trouble, and I normally give them to the local leader depending on where we are, like one time I sent a rogue vampire back to a baron cause he caused trouble in his territory.  We have our stigma as well, supers tend to fear and not trust us, but we are not all bad. As for me I will continue to use my skills to help those in need be it human or super, I know its dangerous but I have the skills for the job and someone has to do it" ~ 
Dominic Ethereal)

Vampires ~ It's the same lore we all know and love. Vampires are creatures of the night that feed on the blood of people. Different creatures have different types of blood. For example fae blood is like a drug to vampires and witch blood is sweeter then that of a human. Vampires also have the ability to compel those around them and form bonds through blood. 
"I don't think I can ever trust one. History always tends to repeats itself when you let your guard down." ~ Valerie Gray

Shifters ~ We have all seen werewolves. They are the most common and possibly most beloved of shifter kind. But did you know there are other kinds of shifters? Massive bears and large felines are also forms of some shifters. There creatures are powerful and driven by emotion. Though most can control their turnings Come the full moon every shifter shifts at least once. 
"I find they tend to be a bit attracted to me when the moon takes hold of them, so as a rule I keep my distance, no reason to make myself an easy lunch." ~ Fawn Dew

Witches ~ Are mortals with special gifts. As far as witches go there are several abilities. Every witch has a primary and secondary gift that starts to appear at puberty. Start as a witch and decide it's not for you? Witches can also be infected. Meaning they can become vampire or shifter. However should these changes take place a witch losses all magical ability.
"The first time I met a witch, hell... I took one look and thought, So this is what men mean when they snarl the word 'witch' on their lips.  Their clearly exclaiming how dangerous, mysterious, and powerful they think me to be." ~ Aralyn Clove

Fae ~ There are so many different fae that it's hard to know where to begin pixies, nymphs, elves, dwarves, goblins, and orcs are just some of the accepted species of fae. Fae have the ability to glamour. For some this ability can manifest into physical things. For most this allows the fae to mask their true selves. They also have an ability called the exchange. Upon touching a creature they can take in their emotions and replace the creatures emotions with whatever they want them to feel. 
"Unseelie will tell you to your face they want to kill you and how, the Seelie give you tea and crumpets and honeyed words, but the tea is poisoned and the blade is between your shoulder blades before you know it." ~ Richard Thorne

Beastkin ~ None of these categories fit you? Havn't found your favorite type of creature to play yet? Check out the beastkin. From mermaids, and naiads, fauns, and centaurs, naga, minotaurs, driders, and harpies. This list contains so many options. each creaturewith unique skills and abilities that make them special to Myserie.
"Mers are fun loving and free creatures if you meet one you will not regret it. Their song is unlike anything else. Could drive someone insane."  ~ Leon Ravenheart

Each species has so many options and talents that no matter you can always find ways for your character to grow. 
Want to learn more about each character check out Myserie's race page to see the pros and cons for each race and maybe start to figure out whats right for you.

The best part about Myserie  is highly debated. It is rare to find an rp sim  that has lasted almost a year and still has a dedicated following and an always changing and developing sim story. 

Want to see for yourself check out the Myserie Chronicle. Updated regularly with all the juiciest stories and rps happening on Myserie currently.

No matter how great the story what I have come to find is that Myserie is a place full of very open and welcoming rpers. Many are happy to jump in with you and help you build bonds and create your first story arch... or pull you into theirs.

Want to join Myserie but are stuck or dont know where to begin?

Message a Mentor

Mentors boards can be found at the landing point along with the OOC group and dice hud.

"Figure out at least part of your back story. It doesn't have to be long. Just enough to give us a taste of what your character is like. If you are unsure contact a mentor, they are willing to help. Also, make sure to read the lore of the sim, so your character meshes." -  Hermione Whitmore (admin)

I can go on and on about why I love Myserie and why you should consider joining. But you shouldn't take my word for it.

"I think it does well because we don't give up easy. We look at traffic of the sim, yeah, but we don't have to be on top, popularity wise either." ~ Richard Thorne (Co Owner / shifter)

"Well since I found good company and community. I want the city to grow as more people find the sim. Right now its growing in a steady pace and its growth makes sense to the players needs." ~ Aubrey Mishin (admin / vampire)

"People of myseries are a lot like books. We can not judge them by their covers.. Some will make us completely infatuated about them and we'll want to dive back into it. Others will require time and patience to be savored. When some people will stay on our bedside table and probably get dust." ~ Moon Wild (witch)

"I love the drama. I get to help drive storylines and keep people entertained, and Playing the enigmatic, generally amoral, mercurial mer-critter is always fun, and playing it in a modern setting is new for me" ~ Antimony Crane (naiad)

" I stay in Myserie because of the playerbase, lovely rpers that are, thanks to our lovely staff team... " ~ Walter Kraft (mentor / fae)

" I had hit a wall, and i was finding little enjoyment in RP in SL, nothing was working for me then my friend the lovely blogger writing this blog told me to come and see the place and i was hooked, everyone is friendly and the stories are amazing, it really helped me get out of that rut i was in." ~ Leon Ravenheart (shifter)

"The friends I have and the new ones I make, leading to the fun story lines and laughs from rp" ~ Clovis Kai (warlock)

Myserie is a place full of heroes and villains. It is a world where antagonists sometimes win, and everyone is driven by motive. 
Some people are truly good while others do not always have the best of intentions.
So come to Myserie take a chance. Make new friends, and see just what stories may wait for you.

Myserie City is Sponsored by Soul

Friday, May 8, 2020

Morning Stroll

Have you ever seen such a cute skirt and top combo? Well ChicModa is all about the cute. Pamela by ChicModa is a great little tube top with ruffled sleeves and a pencil skirt with ruffle fringe. Made for the maitreya, legacy, and hourglass bodies this skirt outfit is one your going to wear a lot this spring. So stop on down to Fameshed and check out ChicModa's Pamela for yourself.

ChicModa ~ Pamela ~ @ Fameshed

Other Sponsors:
Demicorn ~ Sultry Eyes (sky)

Other Designers:
Body ~ Maitreya ~Lara
Head ~ Catwa ~ Catya
Skin  ~ Deetalez ~ Face Doutzen II (Mediterranean)
Hair ~ Stealthic ~ Cascade (Complete Package)
Backdrop ~ Minimal ~ Santorini Backdrop

Monday, May 4, 2020

Late Night Skinny Dip

In need of a sexy cover or jut something unique? Dirty Princess has something new now at Kinky. Erotica Princess Robe is an off the shoulder robe that leaves nothing to the imagination. With  pantie that can be added or taken away. This robe is truly special. Made for the maitreya, legacy, perky, and v-tech bodies this silky robe with lace trim is sure to be nothing like you have ever seen. So stop in at Kinky and try out Dirty Princess's Erotica Princess Robe for yourself.

Dirty Princess ~ Erotica Princess Robe @ Kinky

Demicorn ~ Sultry Eyes (sky)

Other Designers:
Body ~ Maitreya ~Lara
Head ~ Catwa ~ Catya
Skin  ~ Deetalez ~ Face Doutzen II (Mediterranean)
Hair ~ Stealthic ~ Intrepid (Complete Package)

Got Your Tongue

I love any time a designer comes out with something unique. unique and functionable is even better. So when I found this chopstick gag by Ge...