Friday, May 22, 2020

Solids or Stripes

Will you be solids or stripes with this new pool table from BackBone. The Neon Pool Table not at Fameshed is amazing. With a few color options and poses with balls and the table and without. It is totally unique. With plenty of playing, pg, cuddle, singles, and adult poses to choose from. With an over the table light and FunnyBone number ten that reminds me of a certain actor... I think we all have an idea who it might be.  If that's not enough this month BackBone's gift is the pool rack on the back wall that comes in four amazing colors. So stop in at Fameshed and join BackBone's group. I promise your going to love the Neon Pool Table as much as I do.


Neon Pool Table Set @ Fameshed:
BackBone FunnyBone #10 - Breathtaking Badass (stand) 
BackBone Neon Pool Table Lamp - Pink
BackBone Neon Pool Table - Adult
BackBone Neon Pool Table - Cue Stick (pink)
BackBone Neon Pool Table - Cue Stick (blue)

BackBone Pool Cue Rack  ~ BackBone Group Gift:
BackBone Pool Cue Rack  - Pink
BackBone Pool Cue Rack  - Holo

BackBone Retro Maniacs:
BackBone Pool Bar Stool - 8
BackBone Arcade Lamp - Yellow
BackBone Arcade Lamp - Turquoise
BackBone Arcade Lamp - Red
BackBone Arcade Lamp - Pink
BackBone Arcade Lamp - Orange
BackBone Arcade Bar Table


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