Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Day Lounger

ChicModa is in Birthday Mode. Celebrating four years and many more to come they have some truly special things for you. Starting with the Cora Knotted Dress has been updated and now includes a legacy fit on top of the maitreya and hourglass it already came with, and they have released it with a brand new hud include eight new colors free to VIPs. Now because it's ChicModas birthday The ChicModa group is completely free for the month of July. Meaning this dress is entirely free and prefect for a day by the pool. So stop in at ChicModa join the group and get the Cora knotted dress in eight brand new colors free.
If your going to be spending a day by the pool your also going to need a lounger. BackBone has you covered with their new at Access. This lounger is color change and it's not mine and areos integrated. The Air Lounger by BackBone comes in pg, adult, and adult+ and is now available at access. 

ChicModa - Core Knotted Dress - GROUP GIFT

BackBone - Air Lounger - @ Access

Demicorn ~ Sultry Eyes (sky)

Other Designers:
Body ~ Maitreya ~Lara
Head ~ Catwa ~ Catya
Skin  ~ Deetalez ~ Face Doutzen II (Mediterranean)
Hair ~ Doux ~ Bloodlines

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