Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Devil Meets Angel

 My favorite part about Halloween has to be wearing a different costume every day through October. OK... so I might be a little unusual but you have to admit choosing the right costume is very important. For all your costume needs I strongly suggest you check out Dirty Princess. Since I have been in Second Life Dirty Princess has been my go to costume store. Don't believe me? Well just check out my flicker. This year Dirty Princess has released something truly special for Halloween.  It's a sexy naughty twist on the cheerleader costume making them even more sexy... which I didn't think was possible ad turning them into Devils and Angels. The Cutie Cheer Princess costume is a must have if you have the maitreya, maitreya petite, legacy, legacy perky, or v-tech bodies. So this set has several pieces from the cute little skirt and thong. To the top which can be worn with or without the bra! This set was made for Kinky so get there while you still can or stop in at Dirty Princess for so many other costume options.

(pieces used)
DIRTY PRINCESS- Cutie Cheer Princess PompPoms- Blue
DIRTY PRINCESS- Cutie Cheer Princess PompPoms- Red
DIRTY PRINCESS- Cutie Cheer Princess Skirt w/Panty- ANGEL
DIRTY PRINCESS- Cutie Cheer Princess Skirt w/Panty- DEVIL
DIRTY PRINCESS- Cutie Cheer Princess Top w/Bra- ANGEL
DIRTY PRINCESS- Cutie Cheer Princess Top w/Bra- DEVIL

Demicorn ~ Sultry Eyes (sky)

 Other Designers:


Body ~ Maitreya ~Lara
Head ~ Catwa ~ Catya
Skin  ~ Deetalez ~ Face Doutzen II (Mediterranean)
Hair ~ Magika ~ Fiend


Other Designers:
Body ~ Maitreya ~Lara
Head ~ Catwa ~ Catya
Skin  ~ Deetalez ~ Helma (Nordic)
Hair ~ Doe ~ Have Mercy

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