Thursday, October 11, 2018

The Arabian Princess

Halloween is just around the corner and as a woman I am always looking for something sexy and iconic. Well it doesn't get anymore iconic then a princess we all know and love. It also doesn't hurt that thanks to Dirty Princess we have the ability to bring such wild fantasies to life. The Jasmine Princess Lingerie comes in a few different colors but me favorite is the classic teal. Made exclusively for the Maitreya body it comes with a cup and cupless version of the bra as well as the matching thong and headband. So if your looking to find a street rat, a genie, or your very own prince the Jasmine Princess Lingerie may be right for you.

Outfit (bra, thong, headband ) ~ Dirty Princess ~ *Dirty Princess* Jasmine Princess LIngerie  -Jasmine

Hair:  No Match - no.match_ ~ NO_JEWEL ~ Pack of BLACKS
Tiger:  Birdy - Birdy - Sahara - Tiger Static Pack (gacha)
Pose (Bottom Picture): Foxcity - Pool Bunny

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