Sunday, January 13, 2019


Add a little magic to your day with the new items from Plastik at Seasons Story.
Plastiks new Icicle Earrings come with a short and long length and are unrigged so so you can adjust them to any ears you might wear. 
With a color hud that contains fifteen shades of whites, grays, and blues as well as ten metal colors.
The Icicle Earrings take on a fun magical glow to add to any fantasy look or special occasion where you want to stand out.
The Faie Lighted Horns by Plastik are something truly special. The base comes wrapped in shimmering fae lights that are fully tintable. As well as a hud that contains twenty-five awesome colors for the horns and six colors for the fae light cord.
So while your out doing your weekly shopping check out Plastik at Seasons Story today!

Plastik ~  Faie Lighted Horns ~ @ Seasons Story
Plastik ~ Icicle Earrings ~ @ Seasons Story
Plastik ~ Ariah Eye Applier:// Frost

Other Designers:
Hair ~ Truth ~ Solace (Variety)

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