Sunday, January 20, 2019

Release Your Inner Diva

Every girl  loves to play dress up. Some days  you want to be a pretty pretty Princess locke away in your tower waiting for your Prince. Other days you want to be the wild feline hunting for her prey. Then on occasion you have the need to putt on as much glitz and glitter as you can get up on a stage and shine for all the world to see.
We call those our diva days, and when searching for the right clothes for the special clothes that will shine and shimmer under the warm lights can be hard. Available today at Shiny Shabby you can find the Betty BootPants by Promagic. With an array of solid and ombre colors to choose from you can find a look to match any of your pop star needs, and if you want to add a litte extra dazzle to your look  check out the Diamonds Are Forever Bra by Dirty Princess. With eight colors to choose from you can make your stage look just as unique and special as you.
So dont forget while your out shopping stop in  at Shiny Shabby and pick up the Betty BootPants by Promagic today. Then stop in at Dirty Princess and get you the Diamonds Are Forever Bra to complete your divalicious look.

Promagic ~ Betty BootPants (Black) ~ @ Shiny Shabby
Dirty Princess ~ Diamonds Are Forever Bra (Black)

Other Designers:
Hair ~ Doe ~ Lesli (Blondes)
Backdrop ~ Foxcity ~ K-POP Star 2. Because I am The Best (2) RARE

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