Sunday, August 4, 2019

Join Me

Claim your piece of Paradise with BackBones latest release at Fameshed. The Wicker Patio Set is amazing! Why is it so awesome you ask. Well it's a sectional so you can use one piece or put them together to make it bigger. It comes with a beautiful stone fire pit  withe lemonade glasses and lemons. Also you can get it in pg, adult or even poly! How awesome is that. So make a place for you and your friends and make it as big or small as you want. Just remember to stop in at Fameshed and check out BackBones Wicker Patio Set for yourself.
Need a new outfit to entertain all your friends? Then Promagics Ishq now at Cosmopolitan. This dress is so cute. Made for the maitreya, hourglass, freya, and legacy bodies. It is short, feminine and oh so flirty. There are so many colors and patterns you can get and it fits oh so well. So stop in at Cosmopolitan and try on Ishq by Promagic for yourself. 

BackBone ~ Wicker Patio Set ~ @ Fameshed

Eyes ~ Demicorn ~ Absol Eyes - Sea RARE

Other Designers:
Body ~ Maitreya ~Lara
Head ~ Catwa ~ Catya
Skin  ~ Deetalez ~ Helma (Nordic)
Hair ~ Truth ~ Taja (Selections)
Eyeshadow ~ Veechi ~ Light Smokey Eyeshadow
Lipgloss ~ Izzie's ~ Lipgloss
Landscaping and Patio By ~ Landscaping by Felix

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