Monday, November 4, 2019


Everyone dreams of being royalty. So dress the part with the Jessie gown now at Fameshed. This dress is long and silky with lace that changes colors and unique straps. Made for the maitreya, legacy and hourglass bodies this dress comes in two lengths. you can wear this dress floor length or just above the ankles. So stop in at Fameshed and try on the Jessie gown. Remember the holidays are just around the corner and you can never have to many gowns for the season.

ChicModa ~ Jessie Gown (Purple) ~ @ Fameshed

Demicorn ~ Blip Eyes (dew rare) ~ @ Gacha Garden
Demicorn ~ Fairy Eyeshadow

Other Designers:
Body ~ Maitreya ~Lara
Head ~ Catwa ~ Catya
Skin  ~ Deetalez ~ Helma (Nordic)
Eyeshadow ~ Veechi ~ Light Smokey Eyeshadow
Lipgloss ~ Izzie's ~ Lipgloss
Hair ~ Truth ~ Jamie (Blond)
Backdrop ~ Minimal ~ Santorini Backdrop

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