Thursday, June 27, 2019

Dark Celest

Dark is just as beautiful as the light and Plastik has you covered. Plastiks newest set Vaena Angel is simply beautiful with the combinations of spikes and orbs. You will feel like the powerful goddess you are. Made for the Crystal Heart Opening June 30th the orbs rotate around you with their shimmering stars. I showed you this set in light the other day and today I wanted to show you just how beautiful the darkness can be. So don't forget while your shopping around Crystal Heart stop in at Plastiks booth and check out Vaena Angel for yourself.

Plastik ~ Vaena Angel ~ @ The Crystal Heart June 30th
(pieces used)
:[P]:- Vaena Spear [Normal-R]
:[P]:- Vaena Spear [Normal-L]
:[P]:- Vaena Spear Halo [Back]
:[P]:- Vaena Orbiter [Full Rotate]
:[P]:- Vaena Choker
:[P]:- Vaena Band Bracelets

Plastik ~ Adria
(pieces used)
:[P]:- Adria Sleek Corset [Mait-Ultra] ULTRA
:[P]:- Adria Panty [Mait-Ultra] ULTRA
:[P]:- Adria Corset Stars [Mait]
:[P]:- Adria Boots [Mait-Ultra] ULTRA

Other Designers
Body ~ Maitreya ~Laraers:
Head ~ Catwa ~ Catya
Skin & Makeup ~ Pink Fuel ~ Adeline (hazel)
Eyes ~ Demicorn ~ Absol Eyes - Sea RARE
Hair ~ Limerence ~ Nikol hair(Common1)-B&W
Backdrop ~ Foxcity ~ God is a woman

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