Friday, June 14, 2019

In The Beginning

So if your a Game of Thrones you know all about this woman. We loved her... we cheered for her... and (Spoiler Alert) in the end we were all left heart broken. The funny part is a quote from Harvey Dent in Batman is the line that I feel describes our Khalessi best. You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
Well lets remember the good times. A time when we all loved the girl who would eventually become the mother of dragons. If you want to hold on tight to the good times stop in at The Final Winter while you can. The event goes for just two more days and BackBone has made an amazing chest with dragon eggs that you can take home for yourself.

BackBone ~ Dragon Eggs ~ @ The Final Winter (until June 16th)

Other Designers:
Body ~ Maitreya ~Lara
Head ~ Catwa ~ Catya
Skin & Makeup ~ Pink Fuel ~ Adeline (porcelain)
Hair ~ Sintiklia ~ Titania
Clothing ~ Moon Elixir ~ War Maiden 
(Pieces Used)
Moon Elixir - War Maiden - 19 - Lara - Skirt - Cocoa
Moon Elixir - War Maiden - 07 - Lara - Bra - Cocoa
Moon Elixir - War Maiden - 02 - Lara - Bodysuit - RARE

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