Sunday, June 16, 2019

Summer Showers

If you grew up near the beach you know that nothing is more annoying the having to wash sand and salt out of the places it doesn't belong. So when I set up a beach I like to make sure I have out a beautiful shower. BackBone has out an amazing new shower called the Sanctuary Shower now at Fameshed. This shower covers all your outdoor shower needs and would fit beautifully in almost any setting. The Sanctuary Shower has amazing textures and great couples poses either PG or Adult. So stop in at Fameshed and check out Back Bones Sanctuary Shower for yourself.

BackBone ~ Sanctuary Shower ~ @ Fameshed

Other Designers:
Body ~ Maitreya ~Lara
Head ~ Catwa ~ Catya
Skin & Makeup ~ Pink Fuel ~ Adeline (hazel)
Hair ~ Truth ~ Jamie (Selections)
Bikini ~ S&P ~  Delilah (Sea)
Beach ~ Naima Las Islas ~ Shorelines

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