Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Morning Glory

Rompers truly are the best. They are like the epitome of comfort and you can wear them out or you can wear them in. Personally I love using rompers as PJs and the newest set by Promagic is perfect for dressing up or dressing down. Introducing the July rompers by Promagic now at Shiny Shabby. Made for the maitreya, legacy, freya, and hourglass this set is sure to be the most comfortable thing you buy all summer. The best part is all the colors it comes in. There are 3 different huds an ombre hud, solids, or patterns for however you want to wear it. So get out get shopping and stop in at Shiny Shabby to try out the July romper for yourself.

Promagic ~ July Romper ~ Shiny Shabby

Eyes ~ Demicorn ~ Absol Eyes - Sea RARE

Other Designers:
Body ~ Maitreya ~Lara
Head ~ Catwa ~ Catya
Skin  ~ Deetalez ~ Helma (Nordic)
Hair ~ Stealthic ~ Intrepid (Complete Package)
Eyeshadow ~ Veechi ~ Light Smokey Eyeshadow
Lipgloss ~ Izzie's ~ Lipgloss
Backdrop ~ Foxcity ~ Cozy Bedroom (pink)

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