Monday, July 29, 2019

Pretty Pink Princess

Dirty Princess has made me very happy with their latest release Lil Pretty Princess now at Notice Me Senpai. Why does this outfit make me so happy you ask. Well it's made for the maitreya, freya, and vtech bodies. There is a panty (not shown) and a bra (shown) that can be hidden. There are also the most adorable bunny ears that run down the back and the inside of the ears and the bow in front are also color change. The skirt is fun and flirty. Open on the sides and so seductively short it's sure to make your partner very happy. Have you also noticed the adorable frill on the top? It's enough to make any kawaii princess's heart sing. So you have to stop in at Notice Me Senpai and try out Dirty Princess's Lil Pretty Princess for yourself!

Dirty Princess ~ Lil Pretty Princess (Pink) ~ @ Notice Me Senpai

Eyes ~ Demicorn ~ Absol Eyes - Sea RARE

Other Designers:
Body ~ Maitreya ~Lara
Head ~ Catwa ~ Catya
Skin  ~ Deetalez ~ Helma (Nordic)
Hair ~ Truth ~ Scout (Selections)
Eyeshadow ~ Veechi ~ Light Smokey Eyeshadow
Lipgloss ~ Izzie's ~ Lipgloss

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